The Things About Color to Consider for Your Logo Design

There is more to color than meets the eye. Color is not to be taken lightly by any designer. Many controversies have surrounded this aspect for a long time and it has caused delay to various designing projects. This article will tell you about how color influences the entire spectrum of logo design.

The first thing to say about color is that it is subjective. Which means, every shade has a different effect on every individual. The opinion about shades can vary from person to person based on any of the following: cultural background/influence, childhood experience, the medium of viewing – the same person can have a different opinion about the same shade viewed through different mediums.

Look Beyond Yourself

When choosing colors for your logo, move away from your personal opinions. Research on color theories on the internet. You will find lots of information that will help you. Explore the methods of determining shade preferences.

The most common problem in choosing shades is the fact that everybody has a different taste. Nothing can be called ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ about your or anyone else’s opinion of color. Plus, there is the very common vision deficiency that makes 1 in every 20 persons see shades differently.

Established Combinations

Sometimes, when owners of renowned businesses hire graphic designers, they give him their established color scheme to work with. In that case, you are not given the freedom to experiment. You have to find some shades that complement the existing scheme and still maintain the consistency of the brand identity. Devise some ideas using your creativity, talk to experienced designers and go for a trial-and-error method a couple of times before submitting the final design.

How Computers Influence the Appearance of Colors

There are different screen resolutions of different devices that vary the appearance of shades. For example, a tone that looks stunning on the desktop computer of person A may not look so good on the tablet device of person B.

The following are the other things that make every computer display colors differently.

  • Brightness and contrast settings of the monitor
  • Operating system
  • Gamma settings
  • Type of monitor
  • Colour depth
  • Graphics card

Take a Systematic Path

Since you cannot change the fact that color is subjective and the opinion about it changes from person to person, it is better to use something systematic. Use tools that help you find out how it leaves an impression on the mind. This will definitely help you choose the right palette to impress your target audience.

No matter what tone or combination you choose, the best thing to do is to refrain from basing everything on your personal opinion.

Hope you got some useful information from this article. All the best for your new logo designing project.

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