Logo Revamp

5 Signs Your Business Needs A Logo Revamp

Ever wondered how people recognize you? Or, what’s there in you that develops this familiarity with their eyes? Individuals can distinguish ‘You’ from the billions not by your voice, gait or name, but by your face. In a similar way, business organizations are more identified by their logos, and less by the names. For instance, […]
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Logo Design

Essential Tips for Successful Logo Design

Logos are best described as visual icons which impart elements of unique identification to a product or a business. These form the most important visual manifestation of an organization and offer quick recognition for the same thereby leading to brand building. It has often been observed that some business owners as well as certain artists […]
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Get to Know the Truth that Hides Behind the Taglines

Logo stands as the most important visual representation of an organization and is the best impression of the brand. Attaching a tagline with the logo helps in conveying the purpose or the goal of the company or even explains the crux of the business. Merely by adding a tagline, a company is able to speak […]
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6 Benefits a Customized Logo Design Can Offer to an Organization

Logos are the most important visual manifestation of an organization irrespective of its size big or small. Logos help to create a powerful brand image which is highly necessary for achieving consistent success in the long run. Raising awareness in the minds of the people regarding the brand is initiated by the logo of the […]
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When to go for revamping of your current logo?

Businesses often make the grave mistake of overlooking the appropriateness of their logo with respect to the changing times and the company’s profile. It is the very first thing that a potential customer comes across while looking for a particular type of a company and as such, it definitely plays a vital role in creating […]
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Changes in Social Media Icons – An Overview

The advent of the internet and rapid progress made in the field of digital media has accounted for the fast rate of growth of social media. It helped both people and businesses across the globe in coming closer to each other; reconnecting, etc. Social media networking has almost taken the form of a massive revolution […]
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Impacts of a Logo

First Impression Matters – Impacts of a Logo

Apple, Pepsi, FedEx and Coca Cola are some of the legendary brands and one of the spontaneous associations amongst them is their logos. Whether it is the bitten apple, the blue and white circle or the text logos in case of FedEx and Coca Cola – all of them stand apart as far as their […]
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Logo Design for Different Types of Industries

The key to the success of a logo lies in its simplicity, adaptability and appropriateness. Different factors need to be considered by companies before designing a logo like, the industry it is associated with, target audience, products and/or services offered and more. As a well-known and reputed logo design company in India, we have been […]
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Display Your Company Logo at Events in an Innovative Way

Majority of businesses nowadays take part in different types of events to extend the reach of their products and/or services to the masses. However, it is crucial for you to consider how to display your company’s logo in the events so that it draws the attention of the people. With the expectations of people growing […]
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Make a Memorable Logo

What Goes Behind the Making of a Memorable Logo?

A well-designed and attractive logo perfectly expresses the business principles all the while containing the necessary elements. A well made and unique logo can do wonders for a brand instantly connecting the target audience with the business. This infographic clearly describes what goes behind the making of a memorable logo in a visually appealing manner. […]
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