Be Aware of these Logo Design Myths!

The primary aim of designing a logo is quite often misunderstood. There are numerous opinions about what breaks or makes a good logo but none of them are strong and solid enough to really make a difference. Here are some of the logo design myths that businesses need to pay attention to. The Way a […]
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How a Logo can Go Bad

When it comes to good logos, they can be thought of as good people, really hard to locate. However, there’s no reason as to why you cannot let go off your old logo and start from the scratch to come up with a logo that is memorable, versatile, simple and timeless. To create a good […]
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A New Branding for “The Academy Awards”

The Academy Awards also known by the name “The Oscars” is one of the highly recognized and anticipated movie award ceremonies that attract the film world’s glitterati to celebrate great performances and great films of the previous year. Many people wonder as to what exactly ‘The Academy’ is and what is its role that, it […]
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Common Mistakes That Should be Avoided in Logo Design

In the modern world of internet based marketing, the viewers pay a lot of attention to the manner in which an organization clearly communicates its message in a unique way. A logo is an effective way to communicate an organization’s business perspective. However, if the icon is not properly portrayed, it might convey a wrong […]
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Does Color Play an Important Role when it comes to Logo Design

Logo design has always been considered as one of the key components to the successful branding of a company, especially in the initial stage of creating a brand identity. Therefore, one of the first things, a start-up company decides to put emphasis is in creating a business icon that represents the company accurately. Therefore, the […]
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A Glance at a Few Common Myths in Logo Designing

A logo is a visual representative of an organization and is created with the purpose of leaving a long lasting impression on the minds of the people. A successful logo is one which leads to the recognition of the brand it presents. An expert logo designer in India creates icon that reminds the people rather […]
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Using Clip Art in Logo Design Is Not a Good Idea

Stock arts are freely available online and sometimes used by content editors to explain a complicated point in an article, but when it comes to logo design, artists stay away from stock arts. You may say that if stock images and arts can be used in websites, why not in logo design? After all, a […]
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Have You Ever Paid Attention to Comic Books Logo Design?

Comic books are an important part of our childhood. The days we spent reading the adventures of our favorite superheroes can’t be forgotten. Comics and graphic novels are not just about spectacular drawings though. They teach us about branding and logo design as well. Most of the times we paid attention to the cover photo […]
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5 Interesting Logo Design Fonts You May Have Never Tried

When graphic designers plan the logo of a website or blog, most of the times they pick a serious, sans serif font to offer a professional look. A brand Logo mirrors the corporate identity of the company and must look professional, but flaunting a serious look is not always necessary. Designers should choose a font […]
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