Lancaster’s new Legends logo

Lancaster’s new Legends logo features a knight theme designed by an 8th grader

It seems teenagers are swiping out the logo design industry and professional logo designers are completely bowled over by these fresh talents. After the Canada 150 Logo Design Contest won by a student of the University of Waterloo, here comes another bash! Lancaster Central School District, having the official nickname as Legends, recently features a […]
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Brand Consistency

6 Ways to Attain Brand Consistency

The ways of sufficing personal needs are endless. With consumers becoming more demanding, it has become important for companies to stay at the top of their mind. However, not many companies can tap consumers, as they lack magnified vision to understand the feeling of customers. Developing a sense of empathy toward customers is the key […]
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Revamping logo

Logo Revamping Helps in Attaining Remarketing Objectives

As a business owner, you might have noticed that a customer had dropped in at your store, made inquiry of a particular product and then left the store without making purchase. What could be the reason? One of the reasons might be comparison of price with that of your competitors. You know that your prospect […]
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DIY or DFM: Which is Better?

The universe we live in apparently has a service for all our specific needs. A super-busy mommy can have a full-time maid to handle the household chores, a shopkeeper can hire a server to manage his customers and a website owner can give a handsome pay to get the processes done. In a day and […]
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Vector design logo

10 Tips to Create Geometric Vector Graphics and Art

Application of vector graphics is an essential aspect of logo  and other types of graphic design. It uses geometrical primitives such as shapes, curves, lines, polygons and points for representing images in the graphics. Would you like to explore into the world of creating geometric vector graphics and art? Follow the tips given below: Tips […]
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Logo Design Contests

Forthcoming Logo Design Contests of 2015

Logos play important role in shaping a business’s identity. It sends specific message to the targeted audience regarding the vision and mission of a business. In addition, a logo can express the emotions, which build strong relationship with consumers. As a logo designer, you want that your work should get noticed and you win profitable […]
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Canada’s 150th Anniversary Winning Logo Designed By University Student

The official logo for Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation has been chosen, inviting a flurry of miscellaneous reactions from all quarters. The logo,which will be featured on the products and services from the Government of Canada for the mega event in 2017, is suddenly a matter of intense debate. ArianaCuvin, a student of the University […]
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Logo Design – How It Can Help You to Develop Business and Brand

Successful entrepreneurs know well that logo design has not alternative for developing business branding. A good design can engage customers with the brand. In fact, a design paves the path for significant opportunities for a business. A good design can not just engage your targeted customers with the brand, but also tell a complete story. […]
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4 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton’s New Logo is a Flop

This 2016, everything will transform in America as the world’s most powerful economy will decide on its leader. It will be the time for Barack Obama,who ruled the land for two consecutive terms, to pass the presidential crown. As America will see a new dawn, the globe will be all eyes and ears for the […]
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Remembering The 5 Smartest, Wittiest and Coolest Football Club Logos

This world is hard to please. It demands everything out of the ordinary, something more rational, influencing and focused. Logo Designing is one of the many crucial decisions taken to leverage the reputation. But, what wracks the brain the most is creating a logo for a sports team, especially when it is a Football club. […]
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