Importance of Symbols in Logo Design

There are mainly three elements of a logo- font, color and symbol. While the first two components are easier to select, most designers face a problem with symbol. Corporate identity of a software company and a fast food chain is completely different and expressing that identity through a symbol is really difficult.

Importance-of-Symbols-in-Logo Design

Common people think that logo is just the graphical representation of a company and attractive design is the ultimate aim. Aesthetic beauty is certainly important, but a logo needs to be meaningful as well. Not only an emblem should attract people, but make them understand the core values of the organization it represents.

What Should a Designer Do? – Logo is a passive communicator. It sends a visual message to the audience and promote the company, but doesn’t intimidate the consumers. It’s more like “I represent a great business and we value our customers”, not “we sell X product. Our product is the best. You must buy it.”

First of all, a logo designer should think like an artist, not a marketing expert. He should study symbology to know the meaning of different symbols and how those meanings may vary across nations. It’s quite possible that some nations may consider a sign holy and other countries may think of it as a representation of evil. For instance, Thumbs up is a positive sign in western countries, but Middle Eastern countries consider it as vulgar.

Different Types of Symbols – There are mainly two types of symbols- representational and abstract. Examples of representational symbols are animal, thing or an object. On the other hand, abstract symbols are quite interesting. This type of symbol is based on contemporary arts and shapes. For instance, box, swoosh and triangle are all abstract signs.
Every symbol has a meaning. As a designer you must know the meanings and associate different signs in an insignia to solidify your client’s brand image.

Which Symbol Is Ideal? – That is the million dollar question. The answer may seem unbelievable, but sometimes the symbol or the entire logo may not tell anything about the business. That is the case of Nike and Apple. Both these companies use abstract symbols in the logo and its impossible to get an idea of their brand story from the emblem.

However, if you are more interested in showing the brand identity through logo, then write down the core values of your client’s business, his target audience, future plans and the way he wants to project his company. Once you know these factors, use your symbology knowledge to sort out 2-3 suitable symbols.

Finally, make some mock designs and show it to the client. Let him take the ultimate decision.

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