Understanding Color Psychology in Logo Design

Did you know that Coca-Cola logo is recognized by 94% of the world’s population? The red and white logo has made an unshakeable place in the minds of most people. As a business owner, this is the type of result you can only dream of when you commission to design a business logo. Color plays an integral part in making a memorable logo. Colors are known to evoke strong feelings and emotions in people. So, logo designers must be mindful of the shade they pick while making a logo.

The Importance of Color in Logo Design

Colors are a vital part of any logo design job. Your logo colors give your brand a face and an identity. Can you imagine the Coca-Cola sign being in any other color than red and white? Or the McDonald’s logo without the golden arches? It is practically impossible to think. The colors used in a brand logo will be reflected in every part of the branding. Hence, the shades must be chosen carefully.

Moreover, colors are also important because they help in grabbing the attention of your target audience. Remember, the market is a crowded space and grabbing the attention of your target audience can be challenging. A bright and bold logo color could just do the trick. When you hire a logo design company, they will try their best to come up with a distinctively colored logo that can make your brand stand out in a crowd.

Choosing the logo color is a job that needs both experience and expertise. Psychologists believe that certain colors can trigger certain emotions in some people. So, logo designers need to understand the color psychology behind every shade they use.
Below, we look at the meaning behind different logo colors.


Red is a primary color that quite easily grabs attention. It represents love, passion, anger, excitement, hunger, and life. As a logo color, it is used by many brands in the food and beverages sector along with entertainment, technology, and health industries. Some famous brand logo designs using red color are Coca-Cola, KFC, Budweiser, Adobe, YouTube, Netflix, Marvel, etc.

Red is a shade that catches your attention and creates an impact. No wonder the brands mentioned above enjoy great popularity among their target audience. Red shades are bold, attractive, and eye-catching. They can be used to make creative, unique, and memorable logos. Moreover, red is the color of passion, so it easily evokes a feeling of interest in your target audience.


Yellow, also known as the sunshine color, represents happiness, warmth, and joy. It is a bright shade that instantly attracts some eyeballs. In logo design, this color is mostly used by brands promising their customers a good time. For example, McDonald’s, Lays, Maggi, Burger King, Nikon, Bumble, etc.

Since yellow is the color of joy and cheerfulness, using this shade in a logo can evoke similar emotions in the minds of the audience. This will help in building positive associations for your brand. As a color, yellow can sometimes be very bright and overpowering. So, it can be tricky to use in a creative design.


Blue is the most popular logo color in the world. A study revealed that a staggering 43% of Fortune 500 company logos are blue. It is a color that represents knowledge, trust, power, and authority. From software to pharmaceuticals, and automobiles to finance, several multinational corporations use blue in their logo. Popular examples include Facebook, American Express, Ford, Pepsi, Intel, Oral-B, and many more.

Blue is classified as a cool shade. It calms down and relaxes the mind and evokes feelings of stability and trustworthiness. It’s no surprise then it is widely used in so many company logos. While hiring logo design services in India, you can specifically ask the designer to use blue color for your logo.


Green is the color of nature and life. It is used in logo design to represent brands that are organic and sustainable or which represent growth, new beginning, relaxation, and health. Some popular brand logos using the green shade are Starbucks, WhatsApp, Tropicana, Heineken, Spotify, etc.

Green is a cool shade. So, it has a calming effect on the viewer. It is an ideal choice for a business that focuses on sustainable and renewable energy. It is also great for brands in the health and beauty sectors. Green also represents growth, so it can be even used by tech companies. All this is to say that green is a safe color to design a business logo.


Orange represents vibrancy, playfulness, high energy, and happiness. This logo color is commonly seen in brands related to the food and beverages, health, and technology industries. It is also heavily used in products that are marketed toward kids. Examples include Fanta, Dunkin Donuts, Nickelodeon, JBL, Soundcloud, etc.

The orange shade comes from combining red and yellow. So, like red, it is bright and passionate. And like yellow, it is associated with happiness and energy. These qualities make it an ideal color to be used for kids’ brands. It immediately catches attention, which makes the logo stand out.


Purple is the color of royalty, sophistication, and elegance. Some logo designers also use purple to represent feminism, beauty, and celebration. It can be used in different creative ways to mean different meanings. Some examples of a purple logo are Cadbury, Taco Bell, Hallmark, Yahoo, etc.


Purple is open to interpretation. It is as suitable for high-end fashion products as it is for chocolate brands. Purple also comes in many shades, ranging from lavender to eggplant. This allows the designer plenty of room for creativity.


Brown is a neutral color. Since the color is not widely used, it can make sure your logo stands out. Brown is the color of the soil. It represents masculinity, earthiness, and reliability. Examples include Hershey’s, M&M’s, Nespresso, etc. Since these brands are related to chocolate and coffee products, brown is a suitable shade for them as well.

Wrapping Up

The colors used in a logo make it memorable. Like, as soon as someone says McDonald’s, you think of the golden arches. If you’re starting a business or launching your company online, the first task of order is to hire a logo design company and get a customized logo. This will help build your brand identity.

If you’re looking for a fair and affordable logo design price in India, then contact Logo Design India. We offer creative and unique logo design packages in India with unlimited revisions. To know more, get in touch.

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